Episode 19 - May 5, 2018

This episode of Buildings on Air! First, we chat with friend of the show Kate Wagner about their recent article in Common Edge called "Architecture, Aesthetic Moralism, and the Crisis of Urban Housing" http://commonedge.org/architecture-aesthetic-moralism-and-the-crisis-of-urban-housing/)

Then we answer your listener questions about building with one half our regular mailbag team - Craig Reschke of Future Firm. Send questions in to buildingsonair@gmail.com!

And last but certainly not least we chat with fellow Lumpen Radio host Matt Muchowski about the history and fate of Chicago's Balbo monument. Listen to Matt's show WGAS here: https://www.mixcloud.com/wgaschicago/
The 50th episode features Building on Air's own Keefer Dunn!